Thursday, April 30, 2009

Finishing Up

The school year is almost over.

I am a senior, a graduating senior, so this is my last year. This is the last year of waking up early to spend 6 hours sitting on my ass in class not remembering what was told to me not even 5 minutes earlier.

This is the last year of taking midterms, finals...dealing with stupid and stupidly awesome people.

This will be my last year of exploring Winston-Salem, and finding great, unique hole-in-the-wall places to eat and hang out.

I'm excited, nervous, and a little sick feeling. I'm not really scared or depressed... just worried. It's an iffy future out there, but I'm sure something will come up for me. I'm not terribly worried about that, really.

It's been a strange four, strange, hellish,'s been a lot. Thinking back, some people would say that their time here has just flown by. To me, it feels like it's been four years. Some moments feel like they've come and gone much faster than they have, but then other times feel like they have dragged on relentlessly.

There are things I will miss about Wake. There are definitely things I will not miss about Wake. There are most definitely things I wish I could go back and change to make life a hell of a lot easier, but I can't so I'll deal with what I got.

Here's to the Class of 2009. A Class of the Finest.

What a trip

Thursday, April 23, 2009


Well, apparently South Carolina is on fire, or at least the region where I live. It's moved north, so I'm not terribly worried, but this is a fire that has managed to jump three consecutive highways and continue raging through to Barefoot Landing, a huge (read that as HUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUGE) tourist spot.

2500 people have already been displaced, a couple dozen homes burned down with hundreds more in extreme danger.

This is a fire that is expected to jump the Inter-coastal Waterway and keep right on. This is a fire that will walk across fucking water to continue destroying my new homeland.

What, the, fuck.

Monday, April 20, 2009

More News

Just heard a bit ago that Stephen Hawking has been rushed to a hospital for emergency care. He's been sick for a while now, but hopefully he'll pull through.

What a sad day that'll be...

But, on a lighter note, I finally got a webcam, so I can hopefully get started on posting some videos here. Would be nice if I could actually find something to talk about and make the video idea work. Oh well.

Tuesday, April 14, 2009


Twitter's goin' fine. I wasn't aware that there are viruses specifically aimed at Twitter people, which was weird. They're easy to get rid of, though, so that's a plus.

I've got class in 45 minutes, and I don't want to go. Super tired.


Anywhom, I found my staple-less stapler, so I'm planning on using it again after about a year of hiding.

Fun times, this life.

What WAS fun, was this weekend. Got to hang out with my baby and we went to a couple free concerts, which was really fun.

I'm sorry I had to go, baby, but I'll be back soon. I promise.


Monday, April 6, 2009

Confession Time

Alright...I confess.

I caved in and joined Twitter.

I can't say it's a proud moment, but I do see the potential for greatness as I am "following" news organizations like NY Times. I can get super-fast news, well, super fast.

I have 2 "followers" already, and it hasn't been 24 hours. Granted one of them is a community that is seeking members who are like-mindedly interested in health, science, and technology news, and the other is Books-A-Million trying to get me to buy stuff, but they're still there. "Following" me.

That's actually kinda creepy.

Sunday, April 5, 2009


Here are some photos:

Here's Shannon at the "waterfall" (i.e. the dam)...

Here's the main part of the creek we went walking by...

Here's Wade and Shannon chillin' out...'s me, at the "waterfall" (i.e. dam)...

Hope you enjoyed!

Free Time

Well, I got to spend the last of my free time at Salem Lake Park, with Wade and Shannon. We didn't walk the whole thing, but it was so pretty out, and still kinda fun. I had a camera on hand so I took some photos, and a couple obscure video clips.

I'll try to get it all posted here soon. This blag could use some color and a change of pace for a bit. So...stay tuned kiddos.

Saturday, April 4, 2009

I was in it for the Monies

Poker was a flop. The whole thing fell apart as soon as it started.

I need to get in on a real poker match with serious people. Damn.

Thursday, April 2, 2009

I'm in it for the monies

There's a poker tournament on campus today at 5pm. $10 buy-in.

The advertising has not been that large, so I'm not expecting a bunch of people there. Hopefully there is just enough for like 3 tables, so me, Nick and Wade can each get at one table. With this plan, one of us is virtually guaranteed a win.

Here's to victory, and the pursuit of a $250 Visa Gift Card.